Sit Down Saturday with Carol Ross

Today we’re celebrating the release of Mountains Apart, and here's what Carol had to say about getting ideas for this novel.

"I wrote the first few chapters of Mountains Apart in a rented condo overlooking the mountains and forests of beautiful British Columbia, Canada. My husband and I were on vacation there and it was bitterly cold but breathtakingly beautiful. I liked the idea of someone who wasn’t used to the cold being suddenly plunged into it--kind of like those brave polar bear club people--but reluctantly and for longer…"

  In looking at the cover, if you could add a caption or captions, what would they say?
“Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants.”

 How long did it take you to write?
That’s a good question, and the honest answer is…I’m not sure. As it is my first published novel, it was written in bits and pieces--with lots of starts and stops, deletes and revisions.

What is your favorite scene?

I think I would have to pick the scene where Bering is feeling smug because he believes he has bested Emily at the winter festival, only to realize that he’s underestimated her--again. He finally begins to grasp just how strong an adversary she is--and how much he admires her for it.

Who was your favorite character and why?

I love Emily’s transition throughout the story, but I would have to say Bering is my favorite character. He’s strong and confident, yet doesn’t take himself too seriously. He knows what he wants and as Emily says, “...he’s so passionate about what he believes in, and I like that.” I like that, too.

If you could pick fictional characters to play the hero and heroine, who would they be?

I can imagine the actor Gerard Butler playing Bering and actress Diane Kruger as Emily.

Tell us one thing you learned during research.

I learned so many cool things during my research about Alaska, so it’s difficult to choose just one… It’s such a fascinating place, but I think I’ll go with birch syrup. I didn’t even know this existed. Birch syrup is harvested in Alaska much like maple syrup is here in the lower forty-eight, but not in as great a quantity and with its own unique delicious flavor. It’s just a mention in the story, but I had to include it because I was so intrigued by it.

What music would match the mood of this novel?

Something fun and upbeat--I like country music so I’ll go with some Billy Currington or Zac Brown Band.

This is your first book. Exactly what does that mean to you?
Everything--dreams can come true, good things come to those who wait, hard work really does pay off--pick a cliche--I’m sure I’ve thought of it at some point in this It’s also been an invaluable education. I feel so lucky to be working with the editors at Harlequin. I can’t overstate how much I’ve learned.

 What do you plan to work on next?

I am currently working on another proposal for the Heartwarming series.

What are you reading for pleasure right now?
For the last couple months I’ve been trying to read at least one book from every Heartwarming author so I can recommend them to everyone I know! But right now I am taking a short break to read Colleen Hoover’s new release, Maybe Someday.
Thanks for sharing!


  1. Carol, I can see I have to read faster to get to your book in my subscription. I'm reading Cerella's right now. It's great and I know yours will be too. I love the cover. Pam and I were just at our Tucson Book Festival. At our chapter booth we gave away some Heartwarmings that the publisher sent us. Last year were the first and this year we had readers come by to say they loved the books, loved the bigger print and just in general liked the line. Yay Heartwarming!

    1. Thank you, Roz! I read Cerella's, The Paris Connection and loved it. Also read your book, The Boss Next Door, and loved it, too. I feel so lucky to be among such a talented group of authors. This is great news about your first-hand reader response to Heartwarming!

  2. This sounds like a great story, Carol! And I love Gerard Butler :) Can't wait to read it!

    1. Thank you, Amy! I adored your book, The Weather Girl ( : Can't wait for your next one. And Gerard Butler....*sigh*


  3. Roz, I didn't know readers came by. How cool is that. Carol, your book sounds awesome, and I've also used Gerard as a hero

  4. Pamela, thank you! I have your book, Katie's Rescue on my kindle queue (: Looking forward to it. And again, all I can say about Gerard is....*sigh*

  5. Carol, I love your description of writing the first few chapters overlooking the forests and mountains. What perfect ambience for a book with a winter festival! I'm heading out to add it to my Kindle! I hope you're enjoying your first release like crazy!

  6. Anna, thank you--what a wonderful compliment! British Columbia, Canada is so stunningly beautiful that just being there is inspiring. I am enjoying my first release--it's so exciting! And one of my favorite parts has been connecting with other authors and other passionate readers.

  7. Carol - congratulations! While you may have been thinking in cliches, getting to this point - holding a book in your hands - on on your Kindle - that has your name on it! - is anything but a cliche" Many aspire, but not everyone has the stamina and the spirit to give it what it takes. (there is a little luck in there - finding an editor who understands what you're trying to say and is willing to support it - but mostly, it's you!) I hope this is all as fun for you as you've dreamed, and that the ideas will just keep coming. Please add my "Sigh." to the Gerard Butler collection. And I wouldn't mind looking like Diane Kruger. Looking forward to reading your book - it'll be fun to imagine you writing the first few chapters in that gorgeous setting.

  8. Muriel...that is all so well stated and describes exactly how I's almost like you've been here or something ( ; I have long been a fan of you as we are fellow citizens of the gorgeous PNW! Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words!

  9. Ooooh, Gerard Butler and Zac Brown Band (love their music!!). And now I have to try birch syrup. I love maple syrup, so you've 'tapped' my curiosity ;). Huge congrats on your release, Carol!

    1. Thank you, Rula! I am crazy about Zac Brown Band... I could probably find one of their songs to fit every scene I write lol. Yes, definitely try some birch's all the rage (or at least I'm trying my best to get it there (:

  10. I love love love Gerard Butler. Can't wait to read the new book!

    1. Hey, Syndi. Me too! I had another great suggestion for Bering on my Facebook page--an actor by the name of Joel Lambert. I'd never heard of him, but of course I have now...and he'd be great, too. Thanks!

  11. I absolutely loved this interview, Carol! And your casting sounds PERFECT. I'm so, so excited for you and so happy we got to be release buddies this month. I can't wait to see what stories you tell next. :)


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