Sit Down with ttq (Tara Taylor Quinn)

When I think of sitting down, anyplace other than my office chair, I think of reading.  So this weekend, as I sit down with you, I figured I'd share a couple of excerpts from my very first Heartwarming novel, out this month, Once Upon A Friendship.
My 70th Novel!
It's also my 70th Novel!

Here's the intro:

An editor once said, a long time ago, that when you read ttq books, you live the life. My hope is that when you read my books, you get something to take with you in your life. Even if it’s just a smile. A renewed memory. The hope of happily-ever-after in the real world.
On the surface, Once Upon a Friendship was kind of ordinary when I started writing. Three friends who buy an old apartment building together to keep the senior citizens who live there from being kicked out onto the street. But in the first chapter a Ponzi scheme appeared. And one of the friends could be involved. His father is arrested. I wanted to stop it all from happening. After all, this was my sweet apartment-building book. But as I’ve come to accept over the years, the book wasn’t really mine. The story belongs to Liam and Gabi and Marie. And the things that happened to them are not mine to change.
They belong to you now.

And an excerpt:


“Get out, Liam. I’ve had George remove you from my will. You are no longer my son.”

He was bluffing. It wasn’t the first time Walter had said such a thing. And he’d done worse. Walter had once likened Liam to a terminal disease. He’d called him a fool. Told him time and time and time again that he’d never make it in the world.

And then he’d buy him a new car. Give him a promotion…

“Anything personal you had in this room has been relocated to your apartment. You have twenty-four hours to get that cleared out. Anything left there at this time tomorrow will be disposed of when the locks are changed. You can keep the car.”


“Get out.”

The man sitting calmly in Liam’s chair didn’t blink. His hands weren’t trembling. His mouth didn’t twitch.

Liam looked at him and saw a stranger.

“You are no longer welcome here, Liam,” Walter said as though he was ordering a glass of water with the coffee he’d just been served. “Either you go quietly or I will call security.”

Liam didn’t remember getting back to his car. He knew he’d done so on his own. Without escort. He climbed behind the wheel, starting the car with a calm he’d probably feel if he felt anything at all.

What did you do when you realized that what you’d counted on to never change didn’t even exist?

More tomorrow!


  1. Powerful, beautifully written stuff, Tara. I also love your take on how little of the book really belongs to the writer. Sort of parallels the mother/child dynamic. We give them birth (or make them our own some other way) and the only way to give them LIFE is to let them be who they are. Congratulations on the release. Nice to have you among this special group.

  2. Congratulations on your 70th book and best wishes for this release, Tara.

    Thank you for sharing the excerpt. I'm certain I'm not the only person whose interest you've captured!

    1. Thanks, Kate! I have to sell to a whole new audience! And it never gets easier.

  3. Nice teaser for the book, Tara.

    1. Thanks, Roz! I just read it again, and by itself, without it's history, one could believe Liam had done something horrible! That lashing was because he'd used his own money and bought an old apartment building with his friends. His father didn't approve of them because they were 'beneath' him.

  4. What a beautiful way to start Sunday, Tara! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on this being #70; I can't wait to read it! Here's hoping the rest of your weekend is wonderful! :-)

    1. Thank you! Weekend is crammed full of getting ready for New York things!

  5. Great excerpt! I am looking forward to reading all the July books - this one now has me very intrigued! And congratulations on #70 - that's amazing :)

  6. I love this! Can't wait to read the whole story. Enjoy New York!


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