Heartwarming Thanksgiving (Tara Taylor Quinn)

We have a new project in the works and I'm really excited to tell you all about it.  We currently have thirteen Heartwarming authors who are going to be writing Heartwarming Thanksgiving shorts to fill your Thanksgiving Holiday with Heartwarming warmth.  It's our gift to you. 

For thirteen days in the month of November you'll get a brand new Heartwarming Thanksgiving short story completely free.  They'll be published on Harlequin.com.  You'll see a lot more about the project in the weeks to come.  There will be a dedicated landing page, and you'll also be able to access the stories from the front page of Harlequin.com.  These are original stories, plotted fully by each individual author.  No continuity.  No need to read them in any order.  You're getting thirteen individual Thanksgiving gifts from Harlequin Books and some of your favorite Heartwarming Authors.

PLEASE, other authors on the project, join in here!!  Tell us who's going to be there!

In the meantime...I'm busy writing the full length Superromance that's due on Tuesday.  And working on my Thanksgiving Heartwarming so I'm out of here for today!  But stay tuned.  There's more ttq Heartwarming coming up very soon.  In October.  If you're really eager, you can order now!


  1. Well, that's wonderful. Lots more to be thankful for. Good luck with the deadline.

    1. Haha, my life is a constant deadline. There are three more backing that one up. But I am very thankful. Every single day. Which makes this Thanksgiving project such a fitting one!

  2. Very exciting, Tara! Thanksgiving has always meant family and togetherness for me. It's the perfect Heartwarming Holiday! And congrats on your upcoming Oct release. Great cover and title!

    1. Thanks, Rula. The cover is very retro. The story isn't. But I love both so we'll see...

  3. Great idea, Tara! Good luck on the deadline for your new book. Super cover on that super romance!

    1. Thank you!! I know we all have deadlines. I just seem to cut mine to the wire every single time.

  4. Thank you, Tara. This is going to be so neat. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's all about getting two of my favorite things, food and family. Good luck with your deadline.

  5. Hurray, and thank you Tara for sharing about the Thanksgiving freebies.

  6. Thanks for sharing the great news, Tara! How generous of you all. :) Good luck with your deadline!

  7. Ah, Thanksgiving. So many things can go wrong and then you remember to be thankful. LOL!

    1. And you're doing one of the stories, aren't you? So you'll have a lot of time to reflect on the thankful part before it even gets here!

  8. I'm so excited for the Thanksgiving short stories! :) I am currently on a HW binge but haven't read a Superromance yet so I'm looking forward to "Once Upon A Marriage.
    I'll be glad to have some good reading material this Thanksgiving in between preparing our Tofurky. ;)

    1. Krissie,

      You can stay right here at Heartwarming for Once Upon a Marriage! My current Supers are the Where Secrets Are Safe series. And I have about fifty others available in eBook as well! I'm glad you're excited about the Thanksgiving stories. They mean nothing if readers aren't happy to have them!

  9. Wonderful idea. Can’t believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

    1. Marion,

      Not around the corner just yet! Have to get the stories written first!

  10. Oh, my...Marion is right. Thanksgiving IS right around the corner. lol. Great idea about the short stories and thanks for letting everyone know!

  11. I'll be joining Tara and the others in writing the thanksgiving stories. So exciting to give readers something free for the holidays. I always host thanksgiving at my house and love having family and friends. But, after the turkey is eaten and dishes are washed, I need some de-stressing so hope these free stories will provide that for all of you.


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