What Hat Do I Wear? (Tara Taylor Quinn)

The life of a writer is not normal. It's just not. At least not for this writer. I walk around with people talking to me all day long - not in a schizophrenic way - they don't take over my thoughts - they just talk to me. Constantly. Kind of like having your friend sitting down with you and filling you in on what's going on in her life. Only I have a lot of friends doing that. These days, different types of friends, even. With varying types of stories.

So to give you a day in ttq-land. I start each morning with my diet coke and taking a moment to smell the roses. I kid you not. I specifically planted this bush so that every morning I could step out my door and take a moment to smell the roses. Because it's vitally important to tend to your soul. To remember what matters.

I come screeching in here late, to talk to Heartwarmers. I'm late because I've been on the phone with a family member. And because I had to do promotional work for the Superromance that is out this month.

I have a Super out in May, too.

And another one in July. But this is Heartwarming world, and my Superromance world is...close by but not here.

After spending the morning talking about the Super series that is out - books seven, eight, and nine in my Where Secrets Are Safe series, I will finish this blog and then get back to work on the book that's due April 10th. It's a Heartwarming novel. The third in my new series - Family Secrets. It doesn't have a name yet...

Wait. I had to stop. I had to email with the person whose managing my six month cyber tour.

Back now. The first book in this new Heartwarming series, For Love Or Money, is out in August. The second, just got a name a few days ago - after more emails - Her Soldier's Baby and is out in October. I have a love/hate relationship with the title at the moment. But I love the book.

Stop again. Checking email. Because I'm also working on a special project - a huge project. I spent all day yesterday doing edits on it. It's a suspense novel. Not romance. My agent and editor both have it this morning. I can't help wondering...

Oh, and I had a phone call last night. Found out that my first grandchild, who is due this summer, is a girl! My only child, my baby girl, is having a girl. Wow.

In the meantime, I'm getting notices at the side of my screen from twitter - telling me about re-tweets. I have a sale going on - Harlequin has one of my MIRA novels and one of my older Supers that has been re-packaged, on sale for .99.
I have two Superromances due this summer. And a novella for an independent Heartwarming project. But...today, I just have to finish this blog. Write pages. Meet my husband for lunch. Check in with Facebook and Twitter. Write more pages. And...finding another silver lining...Family Secrets revolves around a reality cooking show - people compete with secret family recipes - so I can plan dinner while I'm writing!

So...there you have it. A few minutes in ttq-land! It's not normal for some. It's normal for me. And I'm good with that.


  1. Tara, I came late to the blog today and see we have two up. You've always had a killer schedule. But what I picked out of your blog is that Rachel is having a baby. I'm so happy for you and guarantee you'll slow down once you get to hold that grandbaby. Congratulations to you both.

  2. Wow, Tara, you are one busy lady! Great idea with the rose bush, and how exciting for you and your daughter to be soon welcoming a new member of the family.

  3. Wow, you do have a lot to keep straight. Congratulations on the baby girl - so much fun to shop for.

  4. How wonderful that you're having a granddaughter! And I know what hat you should wear - I picture you in a beanie with a propeller twirling at high speed because of all you've got going. It's wonderful that that feels normal to you. I'm sure you help keep the world spinning.

  5. How wonderful that you're having a granddaughter! And I know what hat you should wear - I picture you in a beanie with a propeller twirling at high speed because of all you've got going. It's wonderful that that feels normal to you. I'm sure you help keep the world spinning.

  6. Congratulations on the coming grandbaby--being Nana is the favorite of my hats!


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