Pamela Tracy here. By day, I'm an English professor. This week, my 101 students are creating surveys for their argumentative topics (bring back any memories?). One of my favorite students brought in a sample survey and the first question was...
Are you a(n) 1. Elf 2. Vampire 3. Witch 4. Fairy 5. Human.
I, of course, wanted to circle 6. Romance author!
Are you a(n) 1. Elf 2. Vampire 3. Witch 4. Fairy 5. Human.
I, of course, wanted to circle 6. Romance author!
And, that survey gave me an idea. So, go ahead, take the survey below. Then, let me know what kind of writer are YOU.
1. When I write, I
[] am dressed in business attire
[] am dressed in blue jeans and comfortable shirt
[] am in my jammies
[] dressed?
[] other? __________________________
2. When writing, I am usually
[] in a home office
[] at the kitchen table
[] at a Starbucks or the like
[] I sneak write at work
[] have laptop, will travel
3. When writing, my favorite snack is
[] I don’t snack while writing
[] chips, pretzels, something like that
[] three-course meal at my side
[] candy
[] liquid snack <hic>
[] other? ______________________
4. When thinking up a heroine for a new book, I tend to write women
[] who are in jeopardy
[] who like to take charge
[] who are like the girl next door
[] who had a secret baby
[] who meet a cowboy or a sheik
[] all of the above
[] You mean I’m supposed to think about this before I write?
5. When thinking up a hero for a new book, I tend to write men
[] who are in jeopardy
[] who like to take charge
[] who didn’t know they had a secret baby
[] who meet a cowgirl or librarian
[] all of the above
[] You mean I’m supposed to think about this before I write?
6. My favorite secondary characters are
[] Friends of the H & H
[] Co-workers of the H & H
[] Family of the H & H
[] Children
[] Animals
[] Sometimes a locations can be a character (think Tara)
[] I don’t do secondary characters
7. When it comes to plotting, I
[] spend weeks planning, writing out ideas, organizing
[] think about the plot while driving to work, showering, and sitting in charge, then start writing
[] been doing this so long, that a story taps me on the shoulder full blown and I just write
[] call the stranger who told me they had a ‘story’ I just had to write and they tell me what to write
[] You mean I’m supposed to plot
8. On average, I spend this much time each day writing
[] It’s an 8+ hour job
[] I write 1-2 hours before work, sometimes after
[] I don’t schedule time, I schedule pages and aim for a thousand
[] you mean I’m supposed to write each day?
9. When writing, I tend to start my novel with a
[] chance meeting between H & H
[] long description
[] rhetorical question
[] hook
[] I start at the end and work backwards
10. On average, it takes me
[] a fews weeks to finish a novel
[] a few months to finish a novel
[] a year
[] a few years
[] banging head on table, longer than a few years
Now that the survey is over, I’ll
[] leave a comment
[] chuckle and say “Pamela has weird ideas.”
[] head over to or Amazon and buy Holding Out for a Hero.
[] all of the above.
She’ll leave her kitchen table and plug her laptop into the charger before she change out of her jammies and into business attire. Then, she’ll pat herself on the back for taking charge of her life and not having the candy she wanted. It’s time to leave for work. She’ll probably call her plumber hero husband on her way to work to assure as to who’s picking up her not-so-secret baby from 6th grade. By the way, she met her husband through friends. On her drive to work, she’ll listen to a book on tape and plot out the rewrite of chapter three on her current novel which will take four months to write. She doesn’t gauge time when she writes; she aims for 1000 words. Today, this survey is her 1000 words.
This is more than just a case…
Every instinct Oscar Guzman honed in the military and the police academy is telling him that Shelley Brubaker is hiding something. It's not just a secret; he's sure of that. It's something darker, more dangerous. And the only way to protect her is to convince her to open up to him. But Shelley isn't about to let him get that close. Oscar knows that with her con-man ex still at large and probably threatening her, Shelley is suspicious of everyone. But he also knows that at eight months pregnant with a toddler to raise, she's in no shape to fight this battle alone. And he's not about to let her!
Funny survey. Would love to read writers' answers.
ReplyDeleteI was looking forward to that, too!
DeleteOoooh, what a fun post, Pamela! Here are my asnwers:
ReplyDelete1. When I write, I am dressed in blue jeans and comfortable shirt.
2. When writing, I am usually in a home office.
3. When writing, I usually don’t snack.
4. When thinking up a heroine for a new book, I tend to write women who like to take charge or are like the girl next door.
5. When thinking up a hero for a new book, I tend to write men who like to take charge.
6. My favorite secondary characters are animals.
7. When it comes to plotting, I think about the plot while driving to work, showering, and walking the pups, then start writing.
8. On average, (other) I spend about four hours each day.
9. When writing, I tend to start my novel with a hook.
10. On average, it takes me a few months to finish a novel.
Now that the survey is over, I’ll leave a comment AND head over to Amazon and buy Holding Out for a Hero.
Best wishes with your new release!
In the summer, I spend four hours. I love love love not carving out time for writing but getting to savor.
DeleteThanks for this fun survey, Pamela. It would be interesting to gather a sample of answers for it but I'm betting a lot of us would have similar replies, belonging to that particular species called Romance authors! I'm looking forward to your book - sounds exciting !
ReplyDeleteI've already thought of a dozen more questions. Fun. I'm so glad you're looking forward to my book.
DeleteLove the survey (and the book cover)!!!
ReplyDelete1. I love to write in fleece pants and a big sweatshirt. Comfort above all else.
2.I have a small laptop, so I write anywhere. Even on lunch breaks at work.
3.Coffee is my go to energy boast to get those creative juices flowing.
4. I tend to write a strong, take charge heroine who enjoys being taken care of every once in awhile.
5. My heroes are take charge as well, which leads to conflict. The men always have big hearts.
6.My favorite secondary characters are family
7. I plot all hours of the day. Even during work and while I sleep. :)
8. I have a daily word count goal as well. 1000 on weekdays. 2000 on weekends.
9. I tend to start my story with the hook. Then start luring the reader in!
10. I've been known to bang when head on the desk while writing. Usually, I can get the first draft done in 2 months. A month or so of revisions follow.
11.I can't wait to read Holding Out For A Hero. Leaving to head over to Amazon now....bye!
I read fleece pants and went "Good idea!" Then, I remembered I live in Az. Cotton for me. I'm similar to you in word count. Thanks for heading over to Amazon.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOOPS! Sorry about that. I messed up my comment.
Delete1. When I write, I am usually dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.
2. When writing, I am usually sitting at my desk in the living room. I have to use a desktop computer. I don't like laptops. (No idea why).
3. When writing, my favorite snack is fruit, especially grapes and oranges.
4. When thinking up a heroine for a new book, I tend to write women who are strong but also vulnerable, at times.
5. When thinking up a hero for a new book, I tend to write men who like to take charge but who also have a softer side.
6. My favorite secondary characters are friends, family or children.
7. When it comes to plotting, I think about the plot while driving and then I start writing a story outline.
8. On average, I write as long as I can while I have the house to myself.
9. When writing, I tend to start my novel with a chance meeting between H & H.
10. On average, it takes me a few weeks to finish a novel, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
Can't wait to read your new book, Pamela! LOVE the cover! That hero is yummy!
Vulnerable is an important attribute. I'm glad you added it.
DeleteI agree what a hero.
A FEW WEEKS! How many pages?
It usually takes me about 3 months to finish a 55,000-word novel (180 or so double-spaced pages), but that's ONLY if nothing unforeseen happens, which is rare. Right now I'm working on a story I plan to submit to Heartwarming, and it's taken me a lot longer to reach 70K words.
DeleteWhat a brilliant survey Pamela. I'm going to give it thought before I do it. Is there a catch?
ReplyDeleteYour new book sounds great, I can't wait to read it.
No catch LOL Just my might on English 101 overload. There's only two more weeks and my freshman are writing their huge paper.
DeleteFun survey, Pam, and I so enjoyed your entertaining bio--yeah, many of have experience with not so secret babies! Too funny. You sound like a much better prof than my English 101 teacher. She had me so terrified of making a mistake I wrote the most stilted essays you can imagine. I always tell people I ended up with what at one time was called a "gentleman's C."
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, my H and H like to take charge. I have written a few who were in jeopardy in practical or emotional ways, though. I mostly write on my laptop in my home office, but I sure love to go to coffeehouses and the library to write, too, or to make lists and plan and brainstorm. I'm a fan of changing location, especially if you're stuck. Sometimes I write in longhand first, although not so much anymore. I wear comfy clothes, but years ago, when I was first trying to write fiction, I sometimes changed clothes from my nonfiction writer comfy home-office clothes to my budding novelist dress up look--favorite clothes and earrings, a scarf I especially liked. I needed a different look to change writing hats. The thing is, odd as it sounds, it worked! Your essay stimulated lots of thoughts down many different tracks. Thanks!
I think what I had to work to realize is that it's not a one professor fits all world..
DeleteMaybe we need a post with What a Novelist looks like
Pamela, fun! Thank you for making me smile this morning. Survey taken. I'll summarize; I'm a disorganized, slovenly, seat-of-the-pants, wing and a prayer type of writer who fantasizes about being the opposite ;)
ReplyDeleteYou made me smile :)
DeleteFun survey! Looking forward to reading your newest release.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Christina.
DeleteThis is great. I may or may not have answered these questions honestly.
ReplyDelete1. Jammies. Totally.
2. I write in my home office AND sneak write at work AND carry my alphsmart every where.
3. When writing, I usually have my coffee with me but no snack (it's usually early in the morning before work)
4. I will say all of the above, although I tend to love secret babies. Don't know why.
5. My hero's don't know they had a secret baby and like to take charge.
6. Favorite secondary characters are children. And animals. And the best friend. And....oh, pooh. I don't know.
7. I spend WEEKS plotting AND I plot in the shower, in bed, in the car, every where.
8. I get a little over an hour before work, but I'm trying to sneak more writing in during the day.
9. I usually start with a chance meeting (after plotting).
10. I'd like to say it takes me a few months to finish a novel, but lately it feels like years. And I'm definitely banging my head against the desk!
11. Comment left! I love your weirdness! And heading to Amazon now. :)
Thanks for the fun. Have a great weekend!
I loved my alphasmart, but I like my Dana more.
DeleteVirginia, I love the idea of changing clothes to change the thought process
ReplyDeleteNow for my answers:
1. All of the above, depending on time of day. Wait, are you saying blue jeans are not business attire? Even the new ones without frayed hems?
2. I prefer to work in at office at my desktop, but when someone else comes in and keeps talking to me, I have to retreat with my laptop to another room.
3. Tea. Occasionally I get so caught up in the story it gets cold. That’s when I know I’m having a good writing day.
4. All of the above. Well, maybe not the sheik.
5. All of the above
6. Animals. And children. And … yes, well, all of the above.
7. I like to plot in advance, but the story often changes as I write.
8. Pages, not time.
9. A chance meeting or a hook
10. A couple of months
11. Buy the book of course. Actually I already bought it, and loved it.
LOL, I prefer to write at the kitchen table, but have to retreat way too often either because of the kid or the dog.
DeleteNo sheik, huh? Maybe they're out of vogue.
This is the most fun I've had all day!
ReplyDelete1. Any of the above. I’m not wardrobe-picky. Actually, I’m not even wardrobe-functional.
2. All except the kitchen table—I don’t have one, and the island and the dining room table are covered with the flotsam and jetsam of everyday life.
3. Hot tea.
4. If I think about her at all, she’s the girl next door.
5. None of the above—he’s the guy next door to that girl up there. What are you thinking, Pam?
6. Yes. Except for the last one, which I assume is a long typo.
7. The last one, although I do plot in the car—I just don’t remember what I’ve plotted as soon as I get OUT of the car.
8. In the morning until I have to do Something Else. In the afternoon after I’ve done something else. In the evening if Mr. Remote Control sends me over the edge.
9. Chance meeting.
10. Six months. Why am I not fitting into any of your answers?
11. Pam has weird ideas and writes the best posts of any of us!
Oh, BTW, I ordered the book, too. I thought I already had, but...
DeleteOh, Liz, we are kindred souls. I keep cleaning off my kitchen table. I'm convinced it's made of magnet wood. Everything I take off of it somehow returns.
DeleteThis is a great survey, Pamela. It was fun to read all of the answers. Here are mine:
ReplyDelete1. I am usually dressed in shorts and a t-shirt during the summer and warm nuzzles in the winter.
2. When writing, I am usually on the back patio during the summer or in my home office during the winter. When it's really cold, I'll write at the dining room table since the sun comes in so nice.
3. When writing, I'm not a snacker. Sometimes I chew gum if I'm clenching my teeth.
4. When thinking up a heroine for a new book, I like strong women who've been scarred by their past.
5. When thinking up a hero for a new book, I tend to write men who are strong, but sensitive. They must also have a good sense of humor.
6. My favorite secondary characters are children or siblings.
7. When it comes to plotting, my favorite is while working out.
8. I'm at work in the wee hours of the morning, so after work, I'll write a little, but I'm primarily a weekend warrior.
9. When writing, I tend to start my novel with a hook.
10. On average, it takes me a few months to write my novels.
Off to Amazon!
Yikes, working out is on my list of things to do. I think it 2043. Right after, figure out a way to enjoy green peas NOT
DeleteThis was fun!
ReplyDeleteWhen I write, I
[] am dressed in blue jeans and comfortable shirt or jammies
2. When writing, I am usually
[] in a home office or on my deck
3. When writing, my favorite snack is
[] I don’t snack while writing; do drink coffee or hot tea
4. When thinking up a heroine for a new book, I tend to write women
[] who are in jeopardy
5. When thinking up a hero for a new book, I tend to write men
[] who like to take charge
6. My favorite secondary characters are
[] Friends of the H & H
7. When it comes to plotting, I
[] spend weeks planning, writing out ideas, organizing
8. On average, I spend this much time each day writing
[] It’s an 8+ hour job
9. When writing, I tend to start my novel with a
[] hook
10. On average, it takes me
[] a few months to finish a novel