What???? How could I POSSIBLY have missed it? January 3rd was apparently the Festival of Sleep Day. Since I have not slept through the night since 1989, I am crushed that I missed this opportunity to snag some shut eye. Mind you now, I am a third grade teacher and a full time writer, so I take my zzzzs very seriously. I’m a “go to bed at eight thirty and get up at five a.m.” kind of gal, yet I have found over the years that while I can fall asleep in a hot minute, I can’t STAY asleep. What’s up with that? Hormones? Worries? Global warming?
For a while, I determined that if I just had the right pillow, that would be the key to my sleep problems. (Please see Pillow Parade Video below.) You know what? It wasn’t, though I am now on every mailing list and catalog which sells any kind of wacky pillow product. Buckwheat, sleepnumber, foam filled, bean filled, feather filled and bamboo innards. I got them all and I still can’t stay asleep.
People tell me that I need to pray when I am suddenly WIDE awake. I do, I have, I will, and yet I still stare at the ceiling with my mind running like a squirrel on Kool Aid. Is this because I have ADD? Because I spend my time in fictional la la land or managing 24 third graders and their myriad of needs? Because of that earlier mentioned global warming situation? Sigh. I have no idea. Someone suggested to me that my adrenals are tired. I laughed at that one. Of COURSE they’re tired, I replied. My body is running on fumes, people! The National Sleep Foundation recommends a 20-30 minute nap per day, but I’m just not a napper, no matter how much I try. So perhaps I will throw down the gauntlet to you fine cyberfriends. Got any recommendations? I’m all ears.
Dana Mentink is a sleep deprived two time American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award winner, a Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Award and a Holt Medallion winner. She is a national bestselling author of over forty titles in the suspense and lighthearted romance genres. She is pleased to write for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense, Barbour Books, and Harvest House. Dana was thrilled to be a semi-finalist in the Jeanne Robertson Comedy With Class Competition. Besides writing, she busies herself teaching third grade. Mostly, she loves to be home with Papa Bear, teen bear cubs affectionately nicknamed Yogi and Boo Boo, Junie, the nutty terrier, a chubby box turtle and a feisty parakeet. You can connect with Dana via her website at danamentink.com, on Facebook, YouTube (Author Dana Mentink) and Instagram (dana_mentink.)
Dana’s next release is a prequel for the newest Love Inspired Suspense True Blue K-9 continuity series. You can preorder it now for 99 cents.

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