Celebrating my 50th Birthday with miles and smiles by Amie Denman

I've accused my parents of incorrect math and poor record-keeping because NO WAY am I turning 50 this week. I don't feel 50, I don't act 50, and my generous friends assure me I don't look 50. But the fact remains: I'm from the same year that brought us Woodstock and the moon landing. Instead of fighting it, I'm celebrating!

This week, I ran a Christmas-themed 5K with my husband, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew. Although I have run dozens of races ranging from 5K to a full marathon, it was my husband's first ever 5K. We had a ball in our Santa hats! Here I am with my sister, May Williams, who is also a romance writer. We run together, but we also write together. Our Grand Hotel, Kenyon Cove, and Grand Islander series give us plenty to talk about in our weekly writing/imbibing meetings.

I also got an Instant Pot this week and have made two meals already! I'm not much of a cook (at all, let's be real), but there's something fun about pressure cooking. Maybe it's the gadgetry and potential danger. My successful meals so far were chicken fettucine alfredo and mac and cheese. My picky teenager ate them both after a reassuring cat-test. Not kidding, he slips little pieces of food to both cats who have learned to sit under his chair. If the cats turn up their noses at the food, so does my teenager. I'm sure your families are this weird, too...right? Anyone?

I'm enjoying my first week of being in my fifties, but I'm also pretty excited about the new decade starting soon. It's the '20s again, so let's bring back bathtub gin (can I use my Instant Pot for that?), flapper dresses, elbow-length gloves, and plenty to roar about.


  1. Happy 50th Amie! The 50s are a great decade, trust me. A wonderful side -effect of getting older is that we also get wiser. No kidding. And judging from your post and photos, I don’t think anything is going to slow you down. :)

  2. Happy birthday--I came of age during the events going on when you were born. It's s funny thing about any age now, no one knows what looking or acting like 50 or 60 or 40, for that matter even means!

  3. Wow, 50 looks great on you! Happy birthday. Enjoy that instant pot. I love mine. I made beef Burgundy this week and it was fantastic.

  4. I entered that decade almost two years ago, and I recently discovered that the average age of NYT bestselling authors is 54.7. We're right on track, Amie!

  5. Happy birthday, Amie! Love the pictures. I have nearly two decades on you, but it's still all fun.

  6. Happy birthday! I hope you celebrate all week. And I've been wanting an Instant Pot for a while. They are so impressive.


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