Resolutions? More Like Regular Habits!

It’s a new year and a new decade (I know, I know…the decade thing is controversial), which means new beginnings, fresh starts and, of course, resolutions. I’ve never been big on resolutions, mainly because I have so much trouble deciding what to focus on when there are so many options—it can be pretty overwhelming! Plus, there’s the old idea that resolutions are just another way to fail. So instead of thinking about New Year’s Resolutions, I’m thinking about habits. How to make them and keep them for the long term. Here are the habits I’m trying to stick to in 2020!


I love staying in. I love it sooooo much. Going out can seem like a lot of work and effort, especially when sweatpants and a comfy bed are calling. But I know I’m happier when I have social interactions on a regular basis. So I’m making socializing a habit. One thing I’m trying to do is buy tickets to concerts and shows in advance. Buying ahead of time means I’ll be wasting the money if I don’t go, and while I know I’ll probably regret the purchase the morning of the show, I never regret it once I’m out watching a favourite band perform. Plus, buying a couple tickets means I have an excuse to invite a friend.

I’m also making an effort to do some of the solitary things I like—writing and crafting—with other people on a weekly basis. I’ve long loved “writing dates,” where writers sit quietly in the same place and work—not only do they help you avoid isolation, but they’re a great push to get some work done! And I’ve convinced a couple friends that quilting is fun (it’s not a trick if it’s true), so this year I’ll be adding “quilting dates” to my social roster.

Getting Up Early

I already get up pretty early. I mean, I’ve got a cat who loves to eat; he can’t wait much later than five o’clock for his morning refill. But that doesn’t mean I don’t ignore him for a while most days, trying to get the most sleep possible before my alarm goes off. I have a long history of setting my alarm for the last possible minute and then rushing to get ready to leave for work, which often makes for a stressful first half hour of the day. So this year, I’m making it a habit to set my alarm for an hour earlier than usual. The real test will be if I can wake up before the cat!


There is almost nothing that will make Future Leah as happy as getting up in the morning with lunch made and ready to take to work. And planning, shopping for, and preparing meals for the week seems like a very small price to pay for my future extreme happiness. When I plan my meals, I don’t get hungry, I spend less, I eat healthier, and I feel better. If there’s a downside, I can’t see it!

All this said, I also want to keep in mind that it’s okay to break habit once in a while. If I’m exhausted and feel like I should stay in on a night I had plans, that’s okay! If I sleep in or have to buy lunch once in a while, that’s fine! If I’m finding it impossible to stick to something, I probably need to figure out why that is instead of beating myself up about it. Being kind to myself is just another habit, and I’m confident I can make that one stick.

What habits are you hoping to pick up this year?


  1. I hope to join you in the meal planning. It would make life simpler and better-tasting, I think! Happy New Year to you!

    1. It definitely makes for less stressful days. Happy New Year, and best of luck!

  2. All these are sound ideas--it's so easy to get comfy at home and write, read, watch Netflix, and play out my role in life as a news junkie. I grew up with a family of readers who ate up news like chocolate. But getting out, even if it's writing at a cafe or in the library is on my list, too. Thanks--your life sounds rich and full!

    1. Thanks, Virginia! Yes, writing out of the house is a great way to switch things up a little. Happy New Year!

  3. I love to cocoon too so making myself socialize outside of my family unit will be a good habit to develop. Also getting back on track with work commitments after the holiday and keeping the momentum going! I really enjoyed this post on this dreary winter day, Leah.

    1. Thanks, Janice! Keeping that momentum is often the tough part!

  4. Great ideas. My sister gave my mother a season of community theater tickets one Christmas, and she loved getting friends together and getting to the shows. I haven't finalized my goals for 2020, but they will involve more focus and less snacking.

    1. That sounds lovely—what a great gift. Good luck with all of your goals!

  5. I love to craft and I have cut back on the number of projects I do. I'll see something and go, I can make that. Then it's off to buy the equipment and supplies and get started. The results are always great, but it takes away time from writing. Over the holidays, I made soap. And today I went to the store and go more supplies so I can make a fancy soap with swirls and colors in it.

    1. What a fun project! I'm sure the fancy soap will turn out beautifully! Managing time can be so tough. I try to give myself daily writing goals so that once I reach a certain number of words or amount of time, I can feel okay about stepping away from the computer and doing some craft projects. And I like to think spending time doing all kinds of artsy projects just makes me a better artist in general!

  6. I finally got back to some crafting, but don't have much time since I'm so busy on the computer. But it felt good to do some bead work and give them as gifts. I'm also interested in some projects using tumbled glass (after I tumble rocks, I tumble broken glass) and want to make a number of possible items.

    1. Crafting gifts is the best; it's so nice to create something with someone else in mind. And tumbled glass is lovely—good luck with all your projects!

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