The Attitude of Gratitude by Cheryl Harper

I have friends and family members who are always so positive, no matter what their circumstances. I've come to understand that it's because they understand they have so much to be grateful for. Me? I require a prod to name them. Apparently, I should blog more often because it causes me to think focus on now instead of three steps ahead. Fortunately, blessings are easy to find if I'm looking. Here are some that spring immediately to mind:

1. Veterans Day, a day set aside to remind us to do what we should do every day: thank the men and women who have served and continue to answer the call and their families who sacrifice so much. Thank you.
2. My employer recognizes Veterans Day as  holiday. I've worked other places where the day wasn't an actual holiday, but we met to recognize our coworkers who were veterans. I appreciate both.
3. Old friends. I had dinner with my best friend to celebrate her birthday, and no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other, we connect and we catch up. She texted me a sweet thank you for my (sorta so-so) gift and I was reminded how easy it is to drift away or to take those friends for granted. I miss the days where we worked together every day, but I'm thankful we're still friends.
4. Easy edits. Sometimes it happens that a story isn't awful. I needed to be reminded that, while I am sometimes a flop at this writing thing , sometimes it just works. I needed this one to be one of those stories, and it showed up right on time. "Sigh of relief" thank you. Why do I have the feeling my editor includes this on her list, too?
5. Cold rain. What? Well, it's not snow or ice or drought that can put lives at risk in an instant. I'm inside with my edits and my dog. What do I have to complain about?

What's one thing you count yourself lucky to have today?


  1. I'm lucky because I laugh every day. (Not always appropriately.) Great post, Cheryl.

  2. I'm lucky to have my computer today! One single invention that improved a writer's life. I still like pen and paper now and again, but nothing beats the ability to correct on screen! Fun reminder, Cheryl, about feeling lucky.

  3. Despite the hardships of having a parent with dementia, I'm very lucky my mother is still in my life. I treasure our time together <3

  4. With all of the terrible hurricanes and wildfires that have wiped out towns and people's homes, I am feeling very lucky to have a roof over my head and will try not to complain about stuff that needs doing as a home owner. Thanks Cheryl for the reminder.

  5. A warm, lit home. Which is no small thing to be grateful for, I guess. A small thing? Pens of different colors.

  6. Wonderful post. I just balanced my checkbook, and it balanced on the first try, so that was lucky. Also, the account has a positive balance. Even better. And Roz and MK are right, a roof overhead is a wonderful thing.

  7. Thank you for the timely reminder that we need to take a moment out of each and every day to count our blessings. It's snowing here and I'm lucky the bird feeders are full, because I'd be in big trouble if they weren't.

  8. Thank you for reminding us to practice gratitude! I also tend to forget to stop and think about all I have. The first thing that comes to mind this morning is that as a California girl, I am grateful for my cozy home and intact community, and that so far our amazing fire department has managed to put out several fires before they grew to do any major damage. We are breathing the smoke from the Butte County fire right now, but since we're on the coast, the air is better here than almost anywhere else in the state, so I'm grateful for cleaner air.


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